
Inside the Foreign Office

Episode 5


Theory of International Relations

Moravscik: Taking preferences seriously

Information about the author, summary of the chapter, discussion   

Round Table

The UN Hustings

Stage 2: Language Laboratory

TRT Round Table

What Propels Young Leaders to Power?

Watch the lead-in and one round of speakers

Ted.com: quick take

Sheryl Sandberg Why we have too few women leaders

Watch and discuss, perform the tasks

home assignment:

Inside the Foreign Office

Episode 6

Watch, perform the tasks, be ready to discuss in class

Round Table

The UN Hustings

Stage 3: Outline & Perspective

In 60-sec

in 60-sec

Prepare questions for discussion: problematic issues of Leadership

TRT Round Table

What Propels Young Leaders to Power?

Watch the TRT round table to the end; summarise the position of the speakers

Ted.com: double take

Sheryl Sandberg Why we have too few women leaders

Summary, topic, thesis, arguments, positions for a Verbal Joust